
Believe it or not, I started writing this blog post in early August… 3 months passed and here I am, trying to finally finish what I have started.

For those who don’t know, last summer I spent in Turkey. If you are wondering what I was doing there. Well, I went there on Erasmus + internship program. “Worked” in International Cooperation Office of Erzurum Technical University. It is a very young university as it was established only in 2010. Despite that it’s growing and developing extremely fast. I’m sincerely curious to see how it will look after several years! All the best of luck to the university staff that I encountered and got to know, during my stay! Thank you!!!

My lovely internship place!~

Paieškos rezultatai

Žiniatinklio rezultatai

My internship took place in a small city of eastern Anatolia (Asian Turkey) called ERZURUM. This city is mainly popular for its cold winters, winter sports, students and Cağ kebabı. 100 km. north of Erzurum in the Tortum district there is Tortum Waterfall, which is the largest Waterfall in Turkey, a must-see place for sure, especially if you dreamed of seeing one in-person. Like I did. I still remember the excitement I felt when I saw it.

So yeah, why Erzurum, a place that not many know of, heck that, I didn’t even know of it too? To be fair, as my graduation was approaching, and post graduate Erasmus + internship application deadlines were just around the corner. I decided to use my last opportunity to go somewhere. As I was looking for a place that would be of my interest, I stumbled upon an advert for an internship in International Cooperation Office. Only a few seconds later I saw that it’s in Turkey and after my last trip to Turkey, especially that one day in Istanbul…Turkey, wasn’t on my “Country to go to so soon” list. So, I put that advert on hold for a few days. Frankly speaking, I wanted internship in Spain or somewhere in southern Europe. Long story short, I ended up giving Turkey a go and sent an email to the university. As you already guessed, I got the internship and in less than 4 months my flight touched down in Erzurum, where I had the best summer of my life, until now.

Before I came to Erzurum, I didn’t know what to expect... My acquaintances haven’t spoke highly of it and most of their reactions were, “WHAT??”, “ERZURUM?”, “Why?”, “It’s so dangerous”, “So controversial, you better hide your eyes and hair.”, etc... I assume you can imagine what was going through my mind. To add up, the images or videos that I tried to find online, on social media weren’t the pleasant type, there was barely any information about the city in English too. Fortunately, out of all my friends, I found one person who physically visited the city and like others were extremely supportive of me going there and didn’t say much about it, they just simply encouraged me even though I’m sure that at the back of their head they also thought the same thing “Erzurum? ***, why?” but they just didn’t say anything about it and were happy for me. For that I am very grateful to them. 

So yeah, I was in one of the most “controversial” cities in Turkey, did I feel out of place? Not really. Did I have to cover myself, especially my hair? No, I didn’t, because majority of them don’t even do that. In fact, the rate of lighter shade hair and people with different range of eye colors in Erzurum is higher than the west Turkey for sure. Also, people aren't as bad as some people made it out to be, at least to me they weren't. They smiled and actually didn't stare at me like I am some kind of alien. I‘m mostly referring to women, because they tend to do that... Especial in west part of the country. In Erzurum I felt more welcomed. People were pretty helpful too and tried their best to speak in English as far as their capabilities allowed them too. At most cases they used google translator if they wanted to say something. They put so much effort in to making you feel comfortable that at times it can be too overwhelming, especially to people that are used to doing things on their own. Don‘t get me wrong, not all of them are like that. Just like in my country and any other, there are as*holes. So don‘t judge a country based on it‘s people. If you met one as* of a person in one country doesn't mean that all of them are like that. During my stay in Erzurum I was living in dormitory and during those 2 months, I lived with 7 different people. My first roommates were the typical bad-ass Turkish ladies, our first encounter wasn't the most pleasant one for sure, and after less than a month we parted our ways with me moving to another room for several weeks until I moved to another dormitory. Despite that, I enjoyed my time and created at least a few nice memories with every single person that I met, no matter how fake they were. My point here is, not to pay too much importance to people, just talk to them and enjoy your time, after all, it might be the first and last time you see them.

Talking about weather... Oh boy summer in is perfect there. A bit hot but since there‘s no humidity and there is wind, it is so refreshing. I forgot to mention that Erzurum is situated 1757 meters (5766 feet) above the sea level and doesn’t have much trees meaning that I do get more or less a closer and direct contact with the sun. Let me tell you, one hour is plenty enough to get a serious sunburn, experienced it on my own flesh. Last summer didn’t rain much. In those two months, I think it rained around 4-5 days, mostly evenings too, that is nothing, am I right?
The city itself is small but lovely. It has places that are full of history and looks extremely wonderful. Surely I don‘t recommend going to some areas, especially alone but that applies to every country in this world.

Tea is everything in here. You know how in Europe people would say that the most relaxing evening is having a pin of beer or some sort of alcohol with a cigarette so in Turkey, instead of alcohol they say tea with cigarette and friends’ company. You can get tea everywhere and anywhere, I’m not joking, tea with a slice of lemon is perfect too. However, I am still not a tea person… They tried to make me into one, but my stomach can not handle too much tea, it just cannot. Meat is also a thing here; they consume so much meat!!!

2 months doesn’t seem like a short time, but it passes by as quickly as any day does. I should have stayed longer and expanded my stay, but I do not regret anything, and I doubt I would do anything differently if I have a chase to reverse time. During my stay, I met amazing people. I signed up for something that I was always against. Tried it and I still am against it. I saw things, felt things and don’t regret anything.

Even up to this day, I come back to those summer memories and all because I am a person who lives of memories. I still listen to Turkish music that I got to know during my stay, I will share it with you all. I will also promote a few businesses that are worth checking out, especially if you are living or are planning to visit Erzurum. Also, a few personal places that are definitely worth going to, best quality in town!!!

Erzurum is the city that I'm sure will find myself coming back too, over and over again. Not sure I will be ready to go there next year but in 2021 for sure, I want to see winter that everyone spoke so highly about.


  • Oldu Olanlar by DJ Tarkan, Sagopa Kajmer
  • Yol by Fikri Karayel, Tolga Erzurumlu
  • Geceler by Ezhel
  • Felaket bu Ezhel
  • Ay Tenli Kadın by Ufuk Beydemir
  • Fight Kulüp by Ben Fero, Ceza, Ezhel, Killa Hakan
  • Sen Istersin by Sedef Sebüktekin, Canozan
  • 321 by Ben Fero
  • Demet Akalın by Ben Fero

 The very first place that I was brought for my very first Turkish breakfast in Erzurum. The place that I have visited so many times that it started feeling like home. They do have nice food, nice interior and exterior as well as nice service.

Make sure to check their INSTAGRAM out and give a follow.
Recently opened and can't wait to try it out myself. They have the finest chocolate deserts made of the finest chocolate brought all the way from Belgium.

Make sure to check their INSTAGRAM out and give a follow.
To all of you people who complained that you want to improve or felt sorry that you don't know English, now you have a perfect opportunity to learn and improve your English skills by not leaving Erzurum. They will take care of you and teach you all that you need to know. So stop complaining and go to Akin Dil Erzurum.

Make sure to check their INSTAGRAM out and give a follow. They upload daily with useful vocabulary.

Best quality Cağ kebabı in Erzurum. Not joking, you must check it out. 
 Best quality pastries!
MY ALL TIME FAVORITE!!! Can't wait to go back there again!!! Best quality coffee in Erzurum. Best service, the place that I went to so many time that the baristas  already knew me and what I like. I was in love with that place.

This was a place where I could run away from everything, especially my thoughts.


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