About and around Dongguk University

Since I’m already back, might as well start doing something. Sooooo, Today I’ve decided to write about Dongguk University. I will try to cover a part of my personal experience and I will try to give as many useful tips as possible, so bear with me for a while. And remember, this is MY PERSONAL opinion and experience, others might share different experiences so don’t try to seize this information and start imagining things! Create YOUR OWN experience, better than anyone's else, go crazy and all out.

Without further ado, let’s begin. 가즈아!!!!

As some, or many of you might already know, this spring semester I’ve spent studying in South Korea. I studied in a university which go by the name of Dongguk University and is located, literally, in the center of Seoul (Capital). It is a Buddhist university, so prepare to see lots of monks and I swear some of them are the cutest thing you will ever see.

I don't know if this information will be of any use... since Dongguk usually email's a very detailed information which basically covers everything throughout.... But since you already came this far, just give it a try. Thank you and here it goes.


This is how Seoul subway lines look like, looks complicated right? (for a close up look, press on the photo or the link below) But believe it or not it's very easy. Personally, I think that the most complicated one is Line Nr. 1 (dark blue one) and sometimes you have to keep your guard up with Line Nr. 2 (green one). They are one of the oldest subway lines in Seoul. Which means that they might be tricky at times and even subway trains running for them are subway grandpas.

Don't worry, they are safe.


Back to Dongguk University.  I think that it literally has the most convenient location of all Universities in Seoul and most of the students would probably agree with me on this one. Transferring and getting around places is very comfortable and easy. I usually used Chungmuro st. (충무로 ) Exit 1. which is connected to Orange Line Nr. 3 and Sky Blue Line Nr. 4 (you can see in the map below) and since it's the closest access to and from student dormitory. Although, DGU usually recommends Dongguk Univ. station but that's too far and a real pain in the ass when it comes to accessing dormitory, especially if you have heavy suitcases.

Plus, Chungmuro St. Exit 1 has an escalator so it's very convenient, also if you will follow the road that I will show you, you won't have to face any stairs. since Dongguk has lots of them as it is located on the mountain.

So remember Chungmuro St. Exit Nr. 1 if you will be staying in the dormitory, it will be the only station that you will be using majority of the time.

Map to Namsan Dormitory

Easy right? it takes around 5-10 min. on foot and I promise, no stairs!


First of all, let us start with campus map.

As you can see, Dongguk University isn't that big and it's pretty cozy. I won't explain where everything is since this map is very accurate and it has explanations. I will just let you know several short cuts, that is all. Also, there are several faculties which are connected so you don't have to walk around the entire building to reach it. 
  1. The most important short cut, for those who are living in dormitory, it's 7 floor, at least women's dormitory part. There should be something connected to male one but I'm not sure. But ladies, bear it in mind, those doors are open until 10 PM. Once you get out to seven floor, walk straight and face those stairs. Note: You will come across the fancy library. 
  2. Another one is also from dormitory but this time from 1st floor. You need to get out of dormitory and turn left, go inside the building where Namsan dormitory office is and wait for elevator. Note: There're two elevators, one is big and goes only from 1st to 9th floor. Second one is slightly smaller and goes to all floors
  3. There's a bridge from Manhae hall to 4th floor of Hyehwa hall. And if you enter Hyehwa hall and go to the highest floor, you can find rooftop coffee shop.
Several last day shots of the campus.

Down these stairs is a Munhwa (culture) building (Nr. 13 on the map) It's connected to business building (Nr. 14) which is shown in the photo below. Also in the basement of business building, there's cafeteria and convenient store.

Hyehwa building (Nr. 18). This is the place where language institute is located in. If you're planning to take Intensive Korean, most probably you will be taking it here if not just prepare to see lots of students, majority of them will be Chinese and Vietnamese.

This is the bridge from Manhae's 1st floor to 4th floor of Hyehwa building. 

Yes, Dongguk University is also famous for its temple

Myeongjin hall (Nr. 28)

Dongguk University Central Library

This is that important elevator!!!
Left side: All flores
Right side: only between 1st and 9th floor.

During Cheery Blossom period. P.S. On the right side you can find post office and bank, where you will have to pay dormitory and entrance fee, also for language course if taken.

Those lanterns with people wishes were hung up for a month or even several, before Buddhas Birthday

View from DGU Central Libraries rooftop garden

Night view of the city from DGU Central Libraries rooftop garden

My favorite spot: Stadium. It's located behind cafeteria.

Campus life is very easy and comfortable, really. Almost all faculties have convenient stores. There's also lots of coffee shops and you can go up the rooftop on almost every building. 

There's a store in the basement of Dahyang building (Nr. 29) you will be able to buy all the necessary books, stationary stuff, Dongguk Univeristy merchandise, make document/passport type photos, buy food and so on.


I introduce you to the outside view of Namsan Residence Hall a.k.a. Dongguk University Dormitory. 

This is how downstairs, outside, looks like. It has cafeteria, coffee shop and convenient store on the right. If you walk straight you will enter the building where Namsan Resident Hall Office is, Gym, which you can enter for free with dormitory card and also those elevators.

View from my room. I usually saw Namsan Tower but it was too cloudy and pollution was quite high...

See what I'm talking about?

And this is how our room looked like. Actually, all of the rooms were basically same looking. The only difference was the location of the bathroom. Either left or right side, ours was on the right.

It was a nice room, really. The only complain we had was toilet. It got clogged way too many times. Imagine, you just meet your new roommate,  couple of days pass, everything is still going perfectly fine but then suddenly, baam, you come back to the room, enter your bathroom and find clogged toilet... We were suffering and at the same time dying while laughing. And the perfect happy ending was, on the very last day of our departure from dormitory, it got clogged again. So a tip for future students, buy something just in case, if not prepare to pay fees for every single time you call for plumbers and if you will end up calling them, you better do it before Dorms office working hours, if not, forget about your toilet for the rest of the night or worse, weekend.

Another thing was, due to safety purpose we had a curfew from 12AM to 5AM. It's not like we always stayed out after 12AM and it wasn't that strict with foreigners but just the idea of having a curfew when you're an adult it's a huge turn off.

Next, dormitory doesn't have kitchens, nor a single microwave, so forget about cooking or baking for the rest of the semester.

Other than that, living in Namsan was quite and relaxing. Our room probably was the loudest in our floor especially during late evening but can't help it, if you have an amazing roommate those things happen! <3

One more thing, before I forget. We had room check ups once a month, usually by the end of the month, so prepare for that. It will be written in Korean and hanged up near the elevator inside the dormitory. They always check bathroom, fridge, desk and under the bed.

Buddy Program, Haram and ect.

Buddy Program is exactly the same as mentors or curators program. I did have a buddy, well at the very beginning, at least. I personally didn't need one to begin with but as a mentor myself, I just wanted to experience being a mentee once and mostly to see how it is elsewhere than VMU. And I was right, people are same everywhere. VMU has and had mentors who didn't show up at all and abandoned their mentees. I got a buddy who also disappeared, right after I finished my paper work for Alien Registration Card. But I can't diss her and say that she didn't do anything. She helped me with several important things and I'm thankful for that. She was also polite and greeted me, every time she saw me which was only several times after like 3 months and I'm not gonna lie, I almost forgot her face and had to really put my brain to work at those encounters. She is a nice girl, really.

And to make things clear, as I always say, one case doesn't apply to everyone. There are cases like mine, which isn't that bad, since there are worse cases and there are cases opposite from mine. It depends from individual. Some tend to spend time with people and get to know them, and some tend to just keep it official and I respect that.

So if you applied to this Buddy program, don't have any expectations. If you're lucky enough, you will meet a super nice buddy, if not don't be disappointed, there are other alternatives to meet people. You will never be alone.

There's also a program called Global Buddy, I applied for that one via my intensive course, I got a super nice buddy and we still keep in touche once in a while. And this is a perfect example that that it depends from individual.

There are always foreigners with whom you can hang out and get along with! I'm sure they will be willing to do that since you guys will be on the same boat. In my case it was a bit different but believe me, you will be able to have loads of fun with them or without.

Also, if you know someone from your home country, you can always hang out and have fun with them. Don't be afraid if you weren't close to them in your homeland, sometimes being abroad can bring you guys closer. I'm a perfect example, I made a super close friend and realized that we actually have similar values, almost same ones. The way we view things are usually same and we also had craziest times together. Plus, she's totally from a different university in our own country. So don't be afraid to open up for new opportunities and adventures.

Dongguk also has a Korean language club which is called Haram (Hangeul class). Last semester it took places on Saturday from 11AM to 2PM, or somewhere around that time, I don't recall, since I haven't participated once. Believe me, I wanted to, but it would have been too much for me, if it would have been just a simple gathering and not real language learning class, I would have dropped by several time, but it was on a quite serious note, at least at times. As a person, who took intensive classes, from Monday to Friday, 4 hours each day, Saturday was my only day off, so I kind of craved for a break. But without intensive course, I would have participated in it and I recommend to do so for those who are interested in it.

Last but not least, if you like talking and making new friends, there is a thing called Language cafe, which is organised by GSM Global Seoul Mates I went there once but I liked it a lot, I will definitely visit it again, once I go back to Korea. Other there you can improve your language skills, meet people and make new friends. So check it out!

Just let me tell you one thing before hand, if you're coming here and expect that all Koreans will be talkative, friendly and easy going, than prepare to be disappointed. They will definitely be curious about you however, most of them will shy away and walk away. Another thing, if you expect to make a lot of local friends and you're staying only one semester, don't be disappointed if that won't happen. Because Asia is a slightly different continent from the rest of the world, especially when it comes to culture and accepting new people, be it Korean or a foreigner. But there is a secret way, wanna know what that is? It'ssssss FOOOOOOD!!!!! Korean usually bond and become closer with the help of food, Surprised right? But food is the most common topic you will hear in Korea, always and forever. So you better decide what you want to eat or try if you're going out with Koreans. Because all you will ever hear will be "What do you want to eat?" and if you eat spicy food well, "What is your favorite Korean dish?". I'm not joking, this will happen on normal bases. Be prepared, because you're going to a country where food is one of the most important thing.

Alien Registration Card

I will just briefly mention about it. Actually no, I will just give you directions on how to reach Seoul Immigration Office (Sejongro branch). Because your soon to be buddy will have to help you with the appointment registration and the rest of it. My buddy was kind enough to do that for me, so I din't have to worry about that. So yeah, after preparing all the necessary documents and 30.000 WON in cash, alone or with buddy, go to Chungmuro St. get on the subway  Line Nr. 3 which goes to Daehwa direction, and get off on the 2nd stop which is Jongno 3(sam) - ga and then transfer to Line Nr. 1 which goes to the direction of  Seoul Station, after getting on the subway, you will have to get off on the next stop which is called Jonggak Station and it's Exit 6. from that point on walk straight for less than a minute.

Here's a map for that:

Good luck, it's a really short and easy journey!~

Close by MAINSTREAM spots to visit on foot

Finally we have reached the most pleasant part of this long blog...

  • Dongdaemun Design Plaza (동대문디자인플라자 (DDP))

You can walk to the famous DDP (Dongdaemun Design Plaza) a.k.a. spaceship, within 10-15 min. on foot from Dongguk University. just go to or take off at Dongguk Univ. station (동대입구 ), Line Nr. 3 Exit 2. and walk straight. But before that, don’t forget to drop by Taegeukdang (태극당) bakery, believe me, it will be worth it.

Dongguk University St. Exit Nr. 2

Taegeukdang (태극당)

  • Jangchungdan Park (장충단공원)

This is the closest beautiful spot, right next to Dongguk University. It has a mini waterfall and is full of nature, how amazing is that? And it's super close to university!!! It takes around 5-10 min. from dormitory, if you cut through the campus. If you like to follow subway explanation, then it's the part which is right next to Dongguk University St. Exit Nr. 6. And this is where I will mention, that this exit has a one way escalator to go up to Dongguk University. 

Dongguk University St. Exit 6 (Escalator)

  • Myeongdong (명동
Myeongdong (명동) one of the mainstream shopping areas in Seoul, full of Chinese and Japanese, it's always packed.. It had one store, I don't remember its name though but it's located on the corner, in basement and had pretty nice stuff there, so it was the only thing that I remember liking in there. Anyhow, I didn't save any photos of Myeongdong nor I took many, I actually went there 5 times, more or less, I don't even recall... My final destination usually ended up halfway, in Daiso. And let me tell you, DAISO has loads of things and it's huge, like really! BLOODY HELL WE NEED DAISO... 

Coming back to the topic, You can reach Myeongdong in more or less 15-20 min. on foot from dormitory. Direction: Chungmuro st. (충무로 ) (Line Nr. 3 and 4) the closes Exits are Nr. 6, 5 and 4. if you are in that area (left side from exit 1) But if you're taking subway just transfer to Line 4 in Chungmuro st. or somewhere else, if you're taking different line than Line 4, and get off at Myeongdong st. Exit Nr. 7 (has escalator), 6 or 5

However, I recommend going around those places on foot rather than spending ~1.500 WON subway fee just for one stop, unless you're loaded with money. 

  • N Seoul Tower (N서울타워) a.k.a. Namsan Tower or Seoul Tower

Well, I actually took the long and harsh way from Itaewon (이태원)... Kids, don't follow my footsteps, I'm not joking!!!

There's lots of ways to go to Namsan Tower, you can literally get there from everywhere. But the reason why I'm mentioning it, it's because there's a path to it from dormitory and behind the cafeteria. There's actually a nice park for just a simple walk, you don't have to go all the way to N Tower, but just please, bear it in mind, I don't recommend taking that way during night time, especially not alone. Don't get me wrong, Korea is a safe place but you can never know what might happen, despite the location, and as they say, 'better safe than sorry'.

They also have cable car running and you can go by several buses too. This is the link to the official page, for more information, if you're interested.

The way from cafeteria

Just take those stairs and follow directions, they are everywhere!!~ 
I'm not joking when I say that it's very easy to get around in Korea, because they have directions everywhere. You won't be able to get lost or if somehow you will, you will still, somehow, end up in a right place. You might think that Seoul is big, it's not small of course, but once you start living in here, you can see that it's not as big as you might have thought. 

  • Cheonggyecheon Stream and Cheonggye Plaza (청계천 & 청계광장)

This is a very very nice place, be it just walking, hanging out or going on dates. It's beautiful during both, daytime and nighttime. It takes around 20-30 min. from dormitory, just go straight to the way of our already beloved Chungmuro st. but don't turn anywhere else, just walk straight and again straight, and once more straight, cross streets and BAAM, congratulations, you have reached the beautiful Cheonggyecheon Stream.

If you would like to go all the way to Cheonggye Plazza, just walk to the left side actually from there on you can even walked to the famous Gyeongbokgung Palace (경복궁).

Main gates to Gyeongbokgung Palace

You can really go to loads of places and find undiscovered spots, only IF you like taking long walks and exploring places, besides, I mentioned only the closest ones. There are several exchange students who strolled all the way to Hongdae (홍대) and many other places. So follow your heart <3

With this being said, I have finally finished my 3rd blog. Holly molly, i spent an entire day on this...  Sorry for all the mistakes, I will re-check it tomorrow. 

I don't know if it will be of any use, I hope it will be at least for some of you. I might have forgotten to include some things if so. pardon. Anyhow, fell free to ask me anything. 

Thank you for dropping by and going all the way until the end. Extra love to you!!

Until next time!!!~ 
